Note: This is a repost of the I just made over at my Buy Me A Coffee page: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/honganqi/catch-up-the-sidestream-network
The Sidestream Network Recap
First of all, I would like to thank you for your support over the past 3 years. It’s been a while since I posted here. A lot has happened since then; personal, professional, and project stuff. Here’s a summary of updates related to my content:
- Played and streamed Genshin Impact
- Created the OBS Local Stream Marker
- Created the Genshin Wisher Twitch Redeem
- Updated SOR4 Swapper
- Made tutorials on creating and customizing chat overlays for Twitch
- Made tutorials on using the SAMMI and Streamer.bot chatbots to customize streams
- Started building my GitHub profile and repos
- Revived and rejuvenated my age-old dead website at The Sidestream Network
- Took my sweet time (/sarcasm) making the watchable Genshin Impact main storyline/Archon Quests and other Genshinanigans
- Got my most viewed video on YouTube taken down – it’s an AMV anyway (anime music video)
I think the biggest update is about my website (The Sidestream Network: https://sidestreamnetwork.net) although it doesn’t look like it. It has been a dream of mine since the late 2000’s to be able to share and teach tech stuff. Part of it was to create a (small) educational institution on computer stuff but it didn’t happen. So, I thought of reviving my site.
I’ve been trying to build my portfolio of projects and I also started using it as a blog (again, for the nth time since 2001). I reposted all my relevant tutorials as articles on the site as well because I know that some people prefer reading. And since I already have a site, I’ve been applying this for Google AdSense stuff but it’s getting flagged for “low quality content”. I don’t know if it’s just because I don’t know what I’m doing. Regardless, I want to use it as an outlet for my written articles because I just don’t like doing it through social media.
Those of you who know me know that I loathe social media; and LinkedIn is included in this list. I’ve thought about using Medium for written tutorials, Udemy for whole courses, and others which I can’t remember at the top of my head. My site, like my YouTube and Twitch channels, contain so much random stuff which aren’t related to each other. This is where I’ll post my thoughts on topics like psychology, the environment, expectations, and, of course, articles on tutorials and probably more.
Again, I want to express how much I appreciate your support. Check out my site at The Sidestream Network! My content is available on:
- YouTube: youtube.com/honganqi
- Twitch: twitch.tv/honganqi
- GitHub: github.com/honganqi
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