
  • The Happiness Hypothesis and Adversity | Shine Your Light In Your Darkroom | 3 benefits of adversity

    The Happiness Hypothesis and Adversity | Shine Your Light In Your Darkroom | 3 benefits of adversity

    Do you want to be happy? How about happier? In this article, I share my thoughts on this book this book called The Happiness Hypothesis and how we can gain from experiences with adversity; how to fight back, be resilient, stand our ground, fend off damage, and come out stronger after an ordeal.

  • At the End of the Day: Recover to Thrive, Not Just Survive | 10-minute read

    At the End of the Day: Recover to Thrive, Not Just Survive | 10-minute read

    Each day we wake up, how many of them allow us to start the first 5 seconds of our day saying, “Oh, wow! Another exciting day!” Why do we feel so empty? It’s because we’re not doing something we’re not doing at the end of the day. We need to recover to thrive, not just…

  • Connectedly Disconnected: Survive, Strive, Revive | 10-minute read

    Connectedly Disconnected: Survive, Strive, Revive | 10-minute read

    Our minds and bodies have become so connectedly disconnected that we can effortlessly spend 3 hours on social media or video games while we can’t even last 5 minutes on a physical workout routine. Scrolling endlessly keeps our mind engaged while our bodies are static; virtually endless dopamine. And I quote my daughter, “What’s the…

  • Catch Up: The Sidestream Network Recap #grateful 3 years

    Catch Up: The Sidestream Network Recap #grateful 3 years

    It’s been a while since my last written article. Here are some updates over the past 2 to 3 years. I also hope this is going to be the start of more frequent posts, so here’s to catch everybody up (including me): The Sidestream Network Recap

  • Deluge of Technologies

    Deluge of Technologies

    Have you felt like almost each article or video that pops up in your feed has some new terminology, brand, or name that you’ve never heard of? Pretty sure we’ve all been there but how about if upon reading or watching them, it feels like they’ve existed since time began and you’re the only one…

  • Another online revival

    How many times has it been that I’ve tried to revive my presence online since 1998? lol

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  • The Happiness Hypothesis and Adversity | Shine Your Light In Your Darkroom | 3 benefits of adversity
    Do you want to be happy? How about happier? In this article, I share my thoughts on this book this book called The Happiness Hypothesis and how we can gain from experiences with adversity; how to fight back, be resilient, stand our ground, fend off damage, and come out stronger after an ordeal.
  • At the End of the Day: Recover to Thrive, Not Just Survive | 10-minute read
    Each day we wake up, how many of them allow us to start the first 5 seconds of our day saying, “Oh, wow! Another exciting day!” Why do we feel so empty? It’s because we’re not doing something we’re not doing at the end of the day. We need to recover to thrive, not just to survive.
  • Connectedly Disconnected: Survive, Strive, Revive | 10-minute read
    Our minds and bodies have become so connectedly disconnected that we can effortlessly spend 3 hours on social media or video games while we can’t even last 5 minutes on a physical workout routine. Scrolling endlessly keeps our mind engaged while our bodies are static; virtually endless dopamine. And I quote my daughter, “What’s the use of a camera if you’re not going to post it and why post something if not for an audience?”
  • Catch Up: The Sidestream Network Recap #grateful 3 years
    It’s been a while since my last written article. Here are some updates over the past 2 to 3 years. I also hope this is going to be the start of more frequent posts, so here’s to catch everybody up (including me): The Sidestream Network Recap
  • Deluge of Technologies
    Have you felt like almost each article or video that pops up in your feed has some new terminology, brand, or name that you’ve never heard of? Pretty sure we’ve all been there but how about if upon reading or watching them, it feels like they’ve existed since time began and you’re the only one who doesn’t know what they are or the only one who hasn’t been using them like “duh?”
  • Another online revival
    How many times has it been that I’ve tried to revive my presence online since 1998? lol