Shuffle Sync

Randomly copy files of a specific type to your target path!

Shuffle Sync is a very simple program which allows you to copy random files of a specific type (usually music or video files) to a target path or drive. Please do be careful with the “Delete all files” option and the target drive/path. I assume that you know what you are doing with your drives. I will not be liable for any damages you incur from this.

Project Details


  • Fills the target drive to full capacity
  • Specify the source folder
  • Specify the target drive (letter)
  • Specify the target folder
  • Specify the file type(s)
  • Empty target folder before copying files


  • Upon clicking on the “Shuffle Sync” button, the application will check and warn for the following:
    • if drive is a FIXED drive (usually hard drives)
    • if drive has a total capacity of more than 64GB
    • if the “delete all files” checkbox is marked

If the user approves of all warnings, the application will proceed to sync files from the source to the destination (deleting all files in the destination folder if the delete all files checkbox is marked).

Get it from or check out the source at

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